I know it's been quite some time since I've posted, but I've got so much going on I just haven't been motivated I guess you could say to post. I'm dealing with a degenerative disc pushing on my sciatic nerve and have been in pain for quite some time. I finally broke down last week and saw the chiropractor every day and am scheduled for 3 days this week and probably the same every week for a while. It's prohibited my activities for sure and it's getting a little old. But this too shall pass; hopefully without needing surgery. Anyway, here are a few pictures of cards that were displayed at my last down line meeting. I have made a few of my own, but I may be taking them to convention for swaps and can't post them. Bummer.....but I'm getting excited about receiving the new SU Idea Book & Catalog and the new in colors. I plan to have an Open House at my studio in August so that should be fun. I think I may like the new colors better than the ones they introduced last year; all except for the Pink Pirouette though. My absolute favorite.