Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This N' That

Hmmm.....what have I been doing since my last post? I guess I'd have to say probably not a whole lot. I did go on a great cruise over the holidays. And, on a very nice boat trip from Florida to Hawks Caye and a visit to Key West; which I absolutely LOVE! But for the most part, all I seem to have done is to suffer for the longest time with what I've thought was sinus/allergy problems. I've been to the ENT twice now and even had allergy testing. The allergy tests all showed negative; which is a good thing. Seems I may have non-allergic Rhinitis and the doctor gave me a nose spray for such. Well, I don't want to jinx myself, but for the last week I've felt better than I have in months and months. So much so, that I actually made 20+ cards on Sunday and more last night. Mind you, I've CASED each one because I am not one to take too much time to create from scratch. That takes me WAY too long and I'm an immediate gratification kind of person. However, the bookmark in this post I did create to match the CASED card.

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