Monday, April 14, 2008

This N' That!

So I didn't make any cards this weekend. I know, my bad! But I had so many other great things I did that it's okay. I got to see Emily bright and early Saturday morning. She was supposed to play soccer, but wanted no parts of it. Saturday evening Brian and I went to Terry and Bobs with some of their other friends and relatives and enjoyed a small celebration for Michael Paul's 19th birthday. He's Terry's son. We had the best time and always love going over there and hanging with some of the finest people on this earth. Sunday morning I cleaned before my dear friends Myna and Judy came by for a visit. That was especially nice too. We've known each other since 1986 where we all worked at the bank. So we did some great reminiscing and catching up. But I've got to say I'm feeling lousy today as my allergies and sinuses are wreaking havoc with me. But, I did want to post something and I had been thinking I had not shared pictures from the Australia trip Katie and I took in 2005-2006. So here are two from the Sydney Harbor Bridge climb she and I did. We opted for the Sunset climb which was absolutely phenomenal. I'll do a slide show soon with more from that trip. And, NO, her hair is NOT that red. The sun was setting and it really made each of our heads of hair look much bolder. And, notice the Sydney Opera house in the background.

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